Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hillary's post-election beard and other hilarity

Ok, let's admit it. Xrandadu Hutman is a true parody genius. Here is another brilliant XH contribution. Be sure you read all the AP stories, and the ads, because there are gems aplenty sprinkled throughout this work of art and smart. Here here, Hutman. Can we at least name you as Co-editor?


Anonymous said...

Hey there...

re right Xranadu Hutman is brilliant.

Now, I thought I was the only person (I posted about this, but Joan never called or wrote or sent flowers)who noticed that, since she's supposedly the boss-lady, she could get the boys and girls down in graphics to do something about those videos.....

As I noticed about two weeks ago (and this is patently obvious if you move the mouse back and forth), that white triangle (given her inevtiable placemtn in CENER-STAGE) makesit look as though she's vomiting a bigass chunk of brie......

Who knows...perhaps she arrived at the party a bit drunk, knew she had to eat SOMETHING, and wolfed down the entire piece when she saw HER FRIEND (! breatthless....)Chris Matthews was approaching....

thanks as ever,

David Terry
('s my birthday today, and my lanky, french doctor boyfriend is sticking us on a plane in three hours to go spend the night in his Paris apartment before we go on toPerigord for two weeks......oh, la fatigue du nord.......)

Anonymous said...

laughing too hard to breath....tears rolling down face....

Anonymous said...

This is pretty damn funny... keep the parodies coming! I particularly enjoyed the dialogue between Joan and Chris Matthews.

Villemar said...

I'm loving the digs at the resident trolls. Always ripe pickins there. Although something tells me AKA Smith is not exactly in that picture's demographic!

Too bad ShawnWM has gotten banned, but I'm sure he'd make a great keynote speaker. Unfortunately he's not smart enough to figure out a new alias, and even if he did he'd be unable to come up with something new (same problem Electro Robot has, aka Robot-2, Robot-3, Robot-79 etc.)

Anonymous said...

Putting faces to trolls. Brilliant! Keep it up.